If you’re in your first year of college or university the whole idea of having a roommate might be pretty new to you. Yes, you’ve lived with family, but living with strangers or friends is a completely different experience. Even the best of friends can be at each other’s throats if there isn’t a ground rule or two to keep the peace. Here are 7 practical ways you can be the ideal roommate freshman year:
1. Do Little Things, Like Changing the Roll
If you use the last of the toilet paper, change the roll. The next time your roomie goes to the bathroom they won’t appreciate it if you’ve left them without a square to spare. Thinking ahead and extending small courtesies like this will go a long way with showing people you care.
2. Keep Bathroom Time to a Minimum
Everybody loves a long hot shower, but taking a long, steamy shower on Monday morning at 8:30am will not win you any friends. If you’re sharing a bathroom, keep your showers and other personal bathroom time to a minimum, especially if everyone is trying to get ready for class. There’s no faster way to make enemies than being a bathroom hog or using up all of the hot water.

3. Clean Your Dishes
If you cook a meal and it uses more than 2 pots, 2 pans, or 2 dishes, then you need to do the dishes and clean that up. There is nothing worse than coming home after a long day starving and having to clean the kitchen or cookware before you can prep food. Plus, leaving dishes dirty attracts pests and insects, which is downright disgusting.
4. Respect Privacy
When your roommate’s bedroom door is closed, knock before barging in. Their bedroom is likely the only place where they can get 5 minutes of privacy, and if their door is closed it’s probably that way for a reason. They may be sleeping, cramming for an exam, or taking a phone call. No matter what, always respect the closed door!
5. Be Courteous When Borrowing
Kitchens and bathrooms are common points of contention among roommates, so always be flexible and considerate. For instance, before borrowing your roommate’s grocery items, like milk or eggs, make sure to ask first. The next time you go to the store, make sure you replace whatever you’ve borrowed. Same goes for toiletry items.
6. Don’t Host Sleepovers
Your roommate chose to bunk with you, not your boyfriend or girlfriend. Letting your significant other spend the night or spend the day lazing around on the community couch is unfair and unappreciated. Know when to send him or her packing.

7. Create a Schedule for Chores
Pick a schedule for all of your chores, like who takes the garbage out, who vacuums, etc. and stick to it. This will distribute the burden of cleanliness among the roommates and prevent a lot of potential resentment.
Living with roommates isn’t always easy, especially if it’s the first time. However, if you treat your roommates with respect, you’re much more likely to make and keep lifelong friendships.